Live Indoor Presentation
Hosted by Hemp & Humanity
Melissa Gibson, Founder and Owner of Hemp & Humanity, will present a talk entitled "Why Hemp?"
Hemp is so much more than CBD! It has the power to feed us, clothe us, house us, fuel us, heal us and free us from harm. Hemp is one of the most sustainable resources available, and humans have had a relationship with it for thousands of years. With the end to an almost 80 year prohibition period, we are finally reconnecting with hemp and unleashing its potential.
This presentation will provide the current legal definition of hemp, review the basic components of the plant, review its history in the U.S. and explore its many uses across a multitude of industries - lumber, paper, building/construction, nutrition, fiber/fashion, plastics, and nanotechnology. Simply planting hemp can improve our soil and draw down Co2 from the atmosphere. Learn about the benefits of using hemp instead, and fall in love with this powerful environmental and economic hero.
To Register, Click Here: Why Hemp?