Implementing New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act: A Conversation on Strategy and Communication
In 2019, New York passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, a nation-leading commitment to decarbonize our economy along a science-based timeline and make clean energy benefits accessible to all. Significant progress has been made, including a 2-year policymaking process and deployment of gigawatts of solar and wind energy. But we are not achieving the Act’s ambitious goals. Worse, willful misinformation campaigns have led to widespread confusion. Join this important strategic conversation about how to get the CLCPA implementation fully on track.
Dr. Robert Howarth, Cornell University, on the science-based timeline for decarbonization and the work of the state’s Climate Action Council
Jen Metzger, Ulster County Executive and former NYS Senator, on the law’s original intent and design
Anshul Gupta, New Yorkers for Clean Power, on countering confusion and misinformation
Simon Strauss, Board Member, Mid-Hudson Energy Transition, on utility policy, planning and innovation